Thursday, November 6, 2008

Patterns in Interpersonal Communication

The pattern that I think would be the most difficult to change is submissive symmetry because when both parties resists on surrendering control, this makes the statements or propositions that they may have seem contradictory or outrageous, however in reality it can show the possibility of truth. Either partner is not too concerned with making all the decisions or being the one in control, but at the same time they are trying to force one another to make all the decisions and take charge.
The pattern that I think would be the most damaging to a relationship is competitive symmetry because both partners are constantly struggling to out do one another and have hands up on the other partner. This pattern also tends to be more aggressive, which can make it harder to understand one another as well as negotiate properly. This is not a good thing because all it does is create constant competition between both parties. Eventually in the long run one partner or perhaps both could eventually begin to resent each other for the feeling of being pushed to the point of being perfect!!!!!The pattern that I think that would be the most damaging to self-esteem of the individual is competitive symmetry because both partners can start thinking that they may never be good enough for their partner and might never be able to live up to the potential of their partners ideals. However, the most important think that may happen is that either partner might begin to think that they will never be loved, never be respected for who they are, or never be accepted for not wanting to be the one in charge.

Lastly, my feelings on these particular patterns is that one must think and be considerate of others feelings. This is the most efficient way to solving dysfunctional patterns of interpersonal communication.

1 comment:

TheBloggingProf said...

Hi me010400! Do you think that in the submissive symmetry pattern each person is trying to ultimately give up control or take control? Could it be one or the other? Or possibly both? A very interesting pattern indeed! :)