Friday, November 14, 2008


I think that this etiquette rule in regards to cell phones is great. There is nothing more annoying then a cell phone going off during class, church, during dinner, and in the movies. I think that is very rude to the teacher, the preacher and people in general that have to listen to it ring. I think that by keeping your phone on ring is a very impolite and rude thing to do.

I think that this etiquette rule in regards to answering machines is not so great. I think that answering machines are a great electronic device to have when you are unable to answer the phone. If you have an important phone call then an answering machine is a must in order to leave a message for a return phone call. I think that this particular electronic device is a very useful thing to have.

I think that this etiquette rule in regards to conference calls is an interesting one because it’s a coin toss, because yes it’s a convenient thing when all people are not able to meet up, however it’s very impersonal because you are not getting face to face contact with the people. I think that’s it’s a totally different aspect when you are talking to someone on the phone apposed to when you talk to someone in person because you are not getting the same type of communication that you normally would. Perhaps this could be because you are not able to read others body language, or eye contact. If you speak to someone on the phone you are not able to tell if they are irritated or they might just always sound irritated and you may take it the wrong way.

I think that this etiquette rule in regards to faxes is ok because if you need to get something to another state this is a great way. But, I do think that perhaps a phone call could be warranted before you send it over to make sure that the right receiver receives the fax. The downfall of this is that you probable shouldn’t send personal information through fax because it’s not always confidential.

I think that this etiquette in regards to timing your communication is a good thing. I have used this many a times. I will now try to be more aware of my timing and how dangerous it could be if my self or the person I am calling is driving while using the phone. I do agree with the new rule of the cell phones. Hopefully it depletes car accidents some what.

I think that this etiquette rule in regards to screen names and ring tones is a funny one because I do at times think its inappropriate and childish at times. What if you are waiting for a call back for a job that you interviewed for and the person calls and you have a song for a ring, I think this is very unprofessional. I also think that weird screen names are childish as well, yes it may mean something to that person but to someone else, they might think what the heck this is. Yes this is a fun thing to have but at times it’s not an appropriate thing.

There have been plenty of times that I have been bothered by cell phones. When I go to the movies it never fails, someone always has a cell phone going off during the movie. It is so annoying and rude!!!! Yes I can understand if it’s an emergency, if that’s the case then why not put the phone on vibrate and keep it in your lap?? With pagers and answering machines not so much, because honestly who really even carries a pager any more. With the answering machines they can be loud at times, but I like answering machines because if it wasn’t for them I would have miss a lot of very important phone calls.

I thing that call waiting is something that I use on a daily basis. Sometimes it’s needed if you are talking to someone that is not such an important phone call, and if someone who calls and it is an important call that you need to pick up. It’s also an essential because if you have family members that call when you are on the other line you are able to pick it up. Cell phones now also have the ability to be able to not allow call waiting phone calls if you want.

I think at times putting people on hold can be justified as long as its not for an excessive amount of time. I know for me personally I do not like being put on hold and then on top of that having me hold for a long period of time is so annoying and sometimes rude. I usually do not put people on hold because I don’t like it to be done to me. I think if the call is important then why not just ask the person you are currently speaking to, that you will call them back in a little while, so that you can take the call waiting call.

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