Saturday, November 15, 2008

Useful/Interesting Topic

After reading chapter 8 what I found to be the most interesting to me was the section on the "Promoting Professionalism in Workplace Relationships". I have plenty of friends that I have workplace relationships. I met a co-worker through my current job and we have become the best of co-workers. We are really close at work, however that's where the relationship stays, we both have our own set of friends outside of work. With Office Romance, this one is interesting because when I went to the new hire orientation for my job it simply states in the work handbook that a line staff cannot date a supervisor or a manager because it is a conflict of interest, but its OK if you are line staff and the person you are dating is a manager as long as he/she works in a different department then you. I personally would never date anyone from my place of work because it can be ac ward and sometimes cause unwarranted conflict. Unfortunately I work in a male dominated job and some of the males that I work with tend to cross the line into sexual harassment sometimes, and several have lost their jobs over this issue. I don't understand why people cant just be professionals, especially because we are looked at as role models and are always held to a higher standard out in the community. I believe a job is a place for work and one must maintain a state of professionalism.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I also found this section interesting. I have been in a situation of dating someone that I worked with. We were very good at keeping our relationship out of work. So much so that no one even knew we were together. However, I have known others that have been in relationships with people that they have worked with and in the end either one or both of them have been fired because their relationship interfered with their job. So this just goes to show how important it is to be professional and mature if you do so decide to date someone that you are working with.