Saturday, November 8, 2008

Useful/Interesting Topic

Upon reading chapter 6 what intrigued me the most was the section on Expressing Conflict. The reason it did is because withdraw reminds me of the way my boyfriend acts at times. It drives me nuts when he does this and the book is right on the dot because by him walking away or changing the topic just makes the situation much worse and I get even more angry. I sometimes wish the he wouldn't do that because it only prolongs the issue, so I have definitely talked to him about it and it has gotten better and he does open up to me know and I don't have to worry about him walking away from the situation or conflict. The part when it talks about forcing indeed reminded me of myself. The reason I say that is because at times I tend to be stubborn and always want things my way and I do tend to put aside what my partner is feeling and push and push until I get my way. I now understand that a relationship is not always one sided and that we both have things that we need to work on. I just thought it was funny that this portion of the book describes my relationship to the T.

I now understand that we must accommodate and compromise to make the other person happy. This is what a relationship is all about and things aren't always going to be the way you want it, that's what talking it out and compromising is for. I defintly agree with the book when it states that problem solving is the best method

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