Monday, November 17, 2008

Cyber Relationships

I have never made friends with someone in a cyber relationship. The reason that I haven't is because I am not on the Internet alot, I only use the Internet for online classes, when I am on itunes and when I need to obtain information in regards to a class that I am taking. Oh wait yes, how could I forget online shopping!!!! For me personally I find it a bit ac ward that people form either friendships or even relationships without ever meeting. Its not the same as face to face contact, especially in a relationships between two people, because when they send pictures of themselves how are you even supposed to know if that's really them or not??? I don't truly understand how a person can even form feelings for someone that they have never even met before. How are we supposed to know whether the person we are chatting with on the other end of the computer is not some child predator or serial rapist. I'm not saying that its not possible that someone you know personally isn't capable of this, however i think that it a little more safe because you get to know that person on a more personal level.

I have had several friends who have met people online and when they finally do decide to meet in person its not nearly what they expected. I think that cyber friends can be a little risky because you do not know anything about this person except for what they tell you. This is why I don't really feel safe posting pictures or releasing personal information about myself. People who have MYSPSACE risk this, because you never know whether any of your information will get into the wrong hands. Even if you do have your account set to private, there are always ways around it, people will always find a way if they really wanted to.


Cherry said...

I too have never formed a friendship or relationship through the internet and I do agree with you that you wouldn't even know if the information you are getting from the other person is real or correct. I once heard a guy tell me that he loved meeting people online because he could be whoever he wanted to be, have any occupation, and look like whomever he wanted to look like.
So, it can be a place where a lot of deception occurs, however my Aunt met her husband on one of those online dating services and they have been happily married for 13 years.

chocoyuko said...

I agree with you that meeting cyber friends is risky.
In Japan, many young people use their cell phones to access some sites where they can text message with somebody they don’t know. There were many unfortunate incidents that they actually met and got in a trouble. I think people, especially girls, shouldn’t meet with cyber friends just by herself. If they decided to meet, they should at least bring their friends too. I have an experience that my friend asked me to go meet her cyber friend too. We went to go meet him, but now I feel fortunate that the guy wasn’t somebody dangerous.

TheBloggingProf said...

Hi me010400! Is it possible that relationships that exist only online have their place? If two people have a blog about cooking, and they comment back and forth on each others blogs on a continual basis, do you consider this a relationship? Also, if you are chatting with someone about a hobby, perhaps in a chat room, and talk to the same person over and over again about said hobby, is this considered a relationship? If so, are these relationships dangerous?