Friday, November 7, 2008


The characteristics or behaviors that lead me to determine one as unatractive would have to be the persons personality. If I cant have an interesting conversation with someone then they are not worth wasting my time on. I also look at the persons goals and ambitions, I definitly cannot be with someone that does not want to make something of themselves. I also dont like people that are rude and superficial. I HATE THAT THE MOST!!!!!

Yes, Duck’s theory makes sense to me because whether we know it or not, we know exactly what we are looking for in a partner and we all have our pet peeves of what we like and what we dont like. When he talks about oeioke that live far, yes it hardly ever works out. How are people supposed to form healty relationships when they never see eachother. I do agree with Physical Proximity because we tend to meet our partners through friends and people who are close to us. With Preinteraction cues are too important filters because the way one looks is the first impression of that person and that is the most important determination that one makes to determine whether or not they want to further persue anything with that person.

Yes I have used Preinteraction Cues when determining whether or not I wanted to talk to that person or not. I have a certain type of guy that I am attracted and thats just what I prefer. And yes I have changed my mind and looked at the Interactionand Cognitive cues when determining whether or not I found them attractive. I have been attractive to several people based soley on their personalities. I believe that people who have great personalities makes them attractive because they have a great personality.

1 comment:

Steph_annie said...

I totally agree that a persons personality makes them attractive. I also tend to usually fall for people who I can have a good conversation with. It's funny because I don't really have a physical look that I prefer, but there are personality characteristics that I do prefer. Sense of humor is a quality that is necessary for me. People always ask what my type is and I usually tend to say anyone who can make me laugh but knows when to be serious :o) I also agree this it is very difficult for a healthy relationship to form if people are too far away to get to know each other. Overall, I totally agree with everything you said!