Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Organizations Tying Into The Environment

Organizations are ties into the environment by by the influence that they have. Organizations are dependant upon us as and environment (community) for their resources and participation. We need certain organizations and are dependant upon us just as much as they need us and are dependant on us. Organizations also provide what we need as an environment but the downfall of all these organizations causes pollution, traffic congestion, and the housing ETC.....

The relationship between the school that i attend and the city in which it is situated in is that it is such a busy area and the students from SJSU bring the need for housing, therefor people who rent out either homes, rooms or even apartments are benefiting from this. With the traffic of students come the need for food, dining and course shopping, which brings business to the organizations that provide such a need. Issues that can be a downfall is the noise of the frat and house parties, the congestion of parking. I do however think that SJSU is in a very good spot because its already busy downtown anyways so this is a good spot for it. I use to go to Fresno City Community College and this school was located within a quiet neighborhood and it wasn't a good thing, the people that lived around there had signs posted everywhere saying "Quiet Do Not Disturb" and "No Parking". Come on what did they expect?? they live near a college!!!!!!

I think that people who move downtown know what to expect and shouldn't be surprised with the noise, traffic, and lack of parking. They should know better and if that's not what they like or can put up with then they are choosing the wrong place to move in. I think the ethical obligation that a college has to the local community is the Prior and Proper notification to the residence in the surrounding areas letting them know of upcoming events so that the residence may be better prepared. Perhaps the local communities input on any type of construction done to the college should be consulted with the community before it takes place. I also think the college needs to obligated to make sure that the college is not overcrowded in which will cause overcrowding of parking.

1 comment:

TheBloggingProf said...

Hi me010400! How do you think SJSU has effected the surroundings of the college? Positively, negatively or neither? In what ways has it effected the area? :)