Saturday, September 13, 2008


After reading chapter 2 in "Thinking Through Communications I found several things that were mentioned to be useful in day to day communications. However, one thing that stood out to me the most was how the book refers to communication as a "Game" which is also referred to as the Pragmatic Model of Communication. When you think about it communication is in fact just like a game, I had never thought about it like that before. Its very true because in order to completely perform the task there must be at least 2 players. Just like in a game people agree to talk to one another just like individuals in a game when they make a move on the game board. Which then gets an interaction going amongst both people just like in a game when they are taking turns in a game. Just like in a game the players become dependant on what their opponent does, because the opponents move is a determining factor of what the other player will do next. Just like with two people who are having a conversation, one person cant reply until they finish listening to what the other person has to say. Each player in a game is affected by what the other person move will be, just like each person who is engaging in a conversation is affected on what the other person has to say. The last thing that corrolates to the way a game is played is the payoff at the end, in a game its the winner and in communications its a person who dominates the conversation, just like in a debate.

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