Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Best & Worst Speakers I Have Ever Heard

Yes, I have been influenced by a speaker. The best speaker that I have ever heard I would have to say is a gentlemen by the name of Micheal Keppler. I came across this gentlemen in a C.O.R.E training class that I was taking for my job. His presentation talked in great depth about the gang problems amongst our teens and within the prison system. He went into talking about how long gangs have been around, how some of the most notorious gangs came about, the type of lifestyle these particular groups live and so fourth..... What made this particular speakers presentation so memorable was the fact that he put real effort into his slide shows that were shown, you could tell that he took the time to put them together because of all the shocking pictures and the amount of information he had on each and every slide. He really used all aspects of the way people pertain information. He not only lectured, but he also used an ample amount of visual aids which painted a wonderful mental picture of the gang life. I also liked the fact that after each break he would change things up a little ( just to break the ice) and he would show video clips of funny accidents gone wrong. But, most important is that his message made clear sense on what he was trying to get across the the audience. He was very knowledgeable with the facts that he was giving, (although it was not needed) he was very persuasive with his talk due to the fact that he had actual pictures and video clips of gang members, shootings, drug busts, people in the prisons as well as video interviews with Well Known gang members. He had an amazing speaking ability. WOW!!! was he good

The worst speaker that I have ever heard was a Music Teacher that I had some years back. The reason he wasn't any good was because of the fact that his voice projected as very monotone, and boring. When he spoke his voice also trembled(it was as if he was nervous). Most days he would come to class so unprepared and would constantly jump around from one topic to another, which made it very hard for me to follow what he was saying. The only thing that I could remember about his class was how horrible of a teacher he was and honestly I would never show up just because of the thought of listening to him for 45 minutes 4 days a week made me cringe.

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