Saturday, September 6, 2008

Useful/Interesting Topic

I found it very interesting to read through chapters 1 and 2 and realize how far the history of communications really goes back. I had not idea, or ever even thought about that before and now that I have read through chapters 1 and 2, I find the history very amazing. One thing that I found to be interesting was when I read the section on the Ancient Greece. I found it to be fascinating that only males could attend the schools, and if they attended they were followed around by paidagogos to make sure they didnt cut class. How funny to think that they cut class back then too!!!!! I loved how Aristotle put so much focus on persuasive rhetoric. I think that if elementary schools as well as high schools put emphasis into teaching students about communication skills, this would give many students much more confidence in everything that they do. Teaching about ethos, pathos and logos would give people a much more broad range of ways to put out their informations, so that they can adapt to any type of situation or any type of audience.

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