Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Speaker That I Admire

The person I admire may not be someone famous, but he sure stands out in my mind because of the incredible speeches he gave. The person I am talking about was a teacher I took for a Juvenile Justice class in the Winter Semester. When he spoke he talked with such passion and articulation. He put forth so much meaning and sincerity into every single word that came out of his mouth. I don't think I have ever heard someone in person speak with so much passion. According to Chapter 1, I would have to say the power came from logos because of the wording and logic of his message. For example one thing that stands out in my mind is that he refers to kids that are locked up " kids in cages" which I must say I couldn't describe it any better. He uses such powerful words in explaining and describing his feelings. The personal qualities that I posess that make me a persuasive speaker is that I am very confident in what I say even if I know im unsure. I dont let the audience know I am nervouse and I speak straight forward. I think that Aristotles scheme works for what makes me a persuasive speaker because I make sure I put thought into what I say and make sure that I am using correct wording as well as set up my speach like an essay format with bullet points so it makes it easier for me to remember. Therfore, I do take something out of Aristotles scheme.

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