Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Language of Men & Women

I definitely agree that men and women use language differently. When boys are younger in age they tend to use their language as mocking, teasing, and insults while interacting in a game. Girls tend to use their language to compromise rather than submit to conflict and tend to be more encouraging. Boys give order like " OK, go stand over their" as with girls they will say something like " OK lets get in a group". I notice this when I watch my daughter play with my nephew, she tends to say things like 'oh lets do this together, and he tends to say no I can do it myself'.Just like the book states, "Men bond through physical activity and women through talk". As they progress into adulthood Mend tend to be less sincere when listening to a conversations as with women who tend to be very good listeners and sincere at that. With women they tend to talk more about private matters and men tend to talk more about public matters. I work for Juvenile Hall and I work with both males and females. What I have noticed in regards to the way they communicate is that the girls do talk more about personal matters such as their family, kids, relationships and the future. With the boys they tend to talk more about gangs, whats going on in the streets and girls. I definitely see the difference between both genders. When women speak they are more detailed in their conversations and tend to use more descriptive words and men don't. A good example of this would be a conversation that i had with my boyfriend. I tend to use allot of detail in my conversations and do not get straight to the point very often. i like to explain the entire story not just the main part. this drives my boyfriend crazy, he is always telling me "Get to the point already". I cant help it, its just what i like to do. I also think its funny how men don't NOT ask for directions, they would rather drive around for hours and how women don't mind asking for directions. I also find it interesting that women tend to want to know every detail of their partners day and build their intimacy through talking with their partner.

Throughout their lives men know to be competitive is to be masculine and women know that recognizing stress detectors is part of being feminine. There is definitely a difference when it comes to the language of men and women. Women talk in a totally different language and when they say things it could be something totally the same, however mean 2 different things.Not to say that just ALL men fall into this category and ALL women fall into that category, but its most that fall within these categories.

1 comment:

Cherry said...

I completely understand what you mean when you say, that when you have a conversation with your botfriend and you want to give all the details he just wants you to get to the point. I often do the same thing and he (my fiance), too, either verbally says,"what's your point," or nonverbally lets me know that he is frustrated and loosing patience with the conversation because I haven't gotten to the point yet.

However, I must confess that very often I am the one that is listening to someone else and I am thinking, "would you please get to the friggin point of the story!" So, it is hard for me to say that men and women use language differently, because for the most part they do, but not always.

Depending on the way we are raised and socialized, men and women will start their lives with a certain way of using language, but I do feel that we humans learn, switch, and change our communication and language skills and use constantly.