Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Interesting Concept

The concept that I found the most interesting was in chapter 5, which is Non Verbal Communication which is the study of communication that does not involve words. Before taking this class I didn't even know Non Verbal Communication even existed. What I find interesting about this particular concept is Linking through facial expressions, also with the status through posture and gesture, and responsiveness which is the degree to which we are involved with interaction. I had no idea that this was even Non Verbal Communication. I however, did learn allot from this chapter because I was always under the impression that communication involved Vocal (talking). I now am more keen to these types of clues when I am speaking with someone or with my initial impression of them. However, I am aware that your interpretation is not always right!!!!
One other concept that I also found interesting was the forms of language in chapter 4 table 4.1. The reason I found this interesting was because I have these particular types of speech within my circle of friends as well as with total strangers. I knew that there were many people out there that spoke with different dialect than others, I just had no idea what it was called until now.

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