Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Concept that could use further discussion

A concept that I personally feel could use further discussion I would have to say would be with Mass Communication in chapter 11. The reason I say this is because to me it seemed too complex, there were some parts I didn't understand when it came to the institutional sources, invisible receiver, and interposed channel. As I read the background on each concept I was still unsure as to what it meant. I thinks perhaps a straight forward definition would suffice. I understand what Mass Media is in general I don't however really understand how this ties into the realm of Mass Media

Interesting Concept

The concept that I found the most interesting was in chapter 5, which is Non Verbal Communication which is the study of communication that does not involve words. Before taking this class I didn't even know Non Verbal Communication even existed. What I find interesting about this particular concept is Linking through facial expressions, also with the status through posture and gesture, and responsiveness which is the degree to which we are involved with interaction. I had no idea that this was even Non Verbal Communication. I however, did learn allot from this chapter because I was always under the impression that communication involved Vocal (talking). I now am more keen to these types of clues when I am speaking with someone or with my initial impression of them. However, I am aware that your interpretation is not always right!!!!
One other concept that I also found interesting was the forms of language in chapter 4 table 4.1. The reason I found this interesting was because I have these particular types of speech within my circle of friends as well as with total strangers. I knew that there were many people out there that spoke with different dialect than others, I just had no idea what it was called until now.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Popular Research Methodologies

In regards to chapter 13 the most interesting research method to me is the Survey Research. The reason this one is the most interesting to me is because I like to go around asking individual people certain questions regarding what I am trying to find out. The other research method that sound interesting to me is also the Rhetorical research, the reason is because after the purpose, the context and the audience are established then the strategies are evaulated. Assuming that I want to study some aspect of deception, I would probably be interested on how males pick their partners. The question that I would ask would be “What do males ages 21-25 report as the most significant factor in choosing their partners??” The type of research method that I would use to answer the question would be Ethnography because this type of research is based on observations, and I think in order to find the actual data for this question it would be helpful to observe what the females look like that the males are attracted to. This research methods allows conclusions to emerge from observation rather then hypothesis which is extremely important.